My #MakeoverMonday Viz

The challenge this week for #MakeoverMonday is to rethink the Tableau viz included in the CNBC article, The Victims of the 21st-Century Slave Trade and use its data to help turn it into a more meaningful visualization. I spent a few minutes figuring out the data, which was fairly simple but slightly confusing as to what exactly it meant. After reading the article, I understood the data was focused on the "Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) reveal[ing] that more than 136 products from 74 countries are produced by forced and child labor. These are products used by consumers worldwide every day." With that in mind, I came up with 3 questions to explore...

  1. What does the distribution of countries, identified by the ILAB, look like geographically? For a given tier, are there clusters of countries within certain regions?
  2. Are things getting any better? What do trends look like for the number of countries identified per region per year? Are there hot spots?
  3. Which countries per region are the greatest offenders of the slave trade? What does this look like by tier?

I set out to make a few visuals, figured out a few that I liked, and aligned them on a dashboard making every data point actionable to the rest of the data presented. This all took me about an hour. Here's my viz:

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