Bracket Challenge - Disney Songs

With my niece Evelyn turning 1 next week, we've been getting back into watching Disney movies and listening to Disney songs on Spotify, knowing that she'll get to experience them all for the very first time soon enough. That sparked a great debate... "What's the Best Disney Song Ever?"

To tackle this, we decided to send Cinderella to the Big Dance!

I put together a spreadsheet with our top 64 Disney songs and ranked them using Spotify play counts (or YouTube if not available on Spotify). I initially did this in Google Sheets because it was relatively easy to make a bracket there, but as a self-proclaimed "Tableau Wizard" I had to try it out in my favorite data viz application.


  1. 63 set actions
  2. an image of a bracket I threw together in Excel and used as the background
  3. a heck of a lot of formatting and floating objects, and 
  4. a URL-action enabled song preview feature... 

It's now your turn to join in on the Big Dance and see if your favorite song is ready to have its own "Cinderella story" in my Tableau-enabled Bracket Challenge of Disney Songs.

Tweet at me or leave a comment to let me know what you think.